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Yoshidas Chicken

Are you tired of all the monotonous food on your table? Do you want to eat something that is simple, quick and cheap to cook? Well then this one is your perfect recipe -- a chicken boiled in Yoshida's marinade -- an easy and delicious dinner. The meal tastes quite wonderful with rice and vegetables, or on its own. Anyone who needs a meal that doesn't take too much effort will really appreciate this chicken recipe. The whole meal costs under $15, which is another big plus for many people.

All it really takes is about an hour to cook the chicken, and after that it can remain on the stove for any amount of time you like. The real advantage to cooking this type of chicken is that you can have it on the stove and ready to eat throughout the evening. Families with busy schedules, or parties where one person may be hungry while another is not, are both examples of times when the slow-cooked nature of Yoshida's chicken really stands out. The chicken in this recipe is boiled in an Asian style marinade, so soy sauce is the base ingredient. The chicken is given a very sweet, very salty flavour, which may differ slightly depending on the type of marinade used. Bland side dishes like white rice are great with this meal, because they absorb the sauce and tone down the rich flavour.

Serving the chicken directly on top of a bed of steamed rice will create an instant family favourite! Keep to basic drinks, like water, for this meal. Simplicity is the key. Serving alcoholic beverages or mixed drinks would be silly. Yoshida's chicken is a basic, simple meal, so over doing it in any other area, especially the drinks, wouldn't work to your benefit at all. To recap everything -- this is a very basic meal for all kinds of day-to-day occasions, it is pretty cheap to cook and its main advantage is that you can have it through the whole evening. Ingredients: 4 Chicken Breasts 6 c.

Yoshida's marinade (You can use any marinade, but Yoshida's is made specifically with this use in mind.) Instructions: 1. Heat the marinade on medium-high heat in a large pan. 2.

Place the chicken into the marinade. 3. Cover the chicken with the pan's lid.

4. Allow the chicken to simmer in the marinade for at least an hour. 5. Serve the chicken immediately, or allow it to simmer so that people can serve themselves directly from the pan at their convenience.

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